
The Bachelor – which does not confer the necessary skills for independent professional practice in Psychology – aims to provide basic training in all domains of Psychology and related areas (indispensable for understanding, interpreting and explaining the object of study in Psychology, i.e., human behavior and cognition), involving the knowledge of theories and methods, the training of basic skills, as well as the acquisition of general knowledge and research skills inPsychology and the development of academic skills.

Therefore, it intends to ensure the necessary basic knowledge for the continuity of academic studies and for a future qualification as a psychologist according to the recommendations of Europsy and the Portuguese Psychologists Order, through a curricular plan that allows the mastery of theoretical and empirical knowledge and the development of skills that allow its application to the diverse areas of Psychology.

Bachelor Duration

3 years







Considering that until now FPUL only offered an Integrated Master in Psychology, there is no analysis of employability after the 1st cycle (it should also be noted that Bachelor is not enough to exercise the activity as psychologist).

Considering the MIP, the employability of FPUL graduates is high. According to the results of the UL Graduate Employability Survey, in the 2017 edition (2015 graduates), 87% of the FP graduates were employed, indicating that FPUL’s employability of graduates is high. Of these, 70% were employed in sectors of activity related to their area of training. According to the DGEEC, in December 2018, only 8.7% of FPUL graduates were registered with the IEFP as unemployed. This rate is lower than the national average in Psychology (8.9%, according to INE).

Condições de Acesso

Concurso nacional de acesso com duas provas específicas do seguinte elenco:
Matemática Aplicada às Ciências Sociais
Biologia e Geologia
Física e Química

Médias de Acesso

To be made available in due course.

Portal FenixEdu

As candidaturas são feitas online.

— Se é ou foi aluno da Faculdade de Psicologia deve submeter a sua candidatura aqui.

— Se precisar de recuperar credenciais campus selecione aqui.

— Se nunca foi aluno da Faculdade de Psicologia deve submeter a sua candidatura aqui.

Tuituion Fees

Fee – 1st year (indicative) 5000€
Fee – remaining years (indicative) 5000€

Creditação e Equivalências

Os pedidos devem ser efectuados, pelo aluno, no ato da inscrição, nos Serviços Académicos.

— Deverá levar preenchido em computador o impresso respectivo ao 1º ou 2º ciclo, conforme o caso.

— Para mais informações sobre o processo de Creditação e Equivalências poderá consultar a página da Comissão de Creditação.

Coherence between objectives (defined in accordance with Europsy recommendations), curriculum and teachinglearning-
assessment methodologies.

Teachers and students involved in the development-evaluation of the curriculum structure and pedagogical-scientific functioning.

Comprehensive curricular plan with complementary mandatory and optional core curricular units, integrating the autonomous choice within the framework of the defined objectives; teaching-learning methodologies that favor the active participation of students.

Well-qualified teaching staff, with strong academic experience in terms of other study and research cycles, the majority belonging to CICPSI, favoring the involvement of students in scientific activity.

Qualified and diversified resources for the work of teachers and students.

Equivalence to European college programs, allowing mobility between students.

Program inserted in a Faculty with high demand and employability.

Accredited, for a period of 6 years, counting from July 31, 2020.

1st Year / 1st Semester
Curricular Unit Mandatory

Introduction to Probability and Statistics Applied to Psychology

Research Methods in Psychology: Basics Notions


Perception, Attention and Memory

Social Psychology I

1st Year / 2nd Semester
Curricular Unit Mandatory

Biological Bases of Behaviour

Child and Adolescent Development I

Statistics Applied to Psychology

Main Theories of Social Sciences

Psychology of Learning

2nd Year / 1st Semester
Curricular Unit Mandatory

Child and Adolescent Development II


Epistemology and History of Psychology

Thought and Language

Elective 1

2nd Year / Elective 1
Curricular Unit Electives

Cultural Anthropology

Learning and management of academic competences

Psychology of Art

Adaptation Processes and well-being


Psychology of Personal Relationships


2nd Year / 2nd Semester
Curricular Unit Mandatory

Adult Development



Social Psychology II

Topics of Cognitive Neuropsychology

3rd Year / 1st Semester
Curricular Unit Mandatory

Educational Psychology

Human Resources, Work and Organizations Psychology

Models of Psychotherapy


Elective 2

3rd Year / Elective 2
Curricular Unit Electives

Cross-cultural Representations of Health, Sickness and Healing

Introduction to the Observation of Fetal Behavior, of the New-Born and of the Early Relationship

Face Perception and Person Identification

Environment and Human Behavior

Social Psychology of Group and Intergroup Processes

Family and Community Crisis and Resilience

3rd Year / 2nd Semester
Curricular Unit Mandatory

Research Methods in Psychology: Advanced Themes

Personality and Individual Differences


Cognitive developmental disorders

Elective 3

3rd Year / Elective 3
Curricular Unit Electives

Theoretical Ethology

Dynamic Developmental Psychology

Introduction to Human Sexuality

Multivariate Data Analysis

Parenting, Development and Health