Educational Psychology and Counseling 

The Master responds to the need for training psychologists who, according to OPP specifications for qualification as an educational psychologist, allow them to intervene in the educational contexts where the processes of development, education and learning take place. The training focuses on deepening scientific knowledge and the development of skills which enable students to enhance the integral development and psychosocial well-being of the diversity of target audiences at all stages of life, from infancy to old age, in the multiplicity of roles it plays. The focus is on an inclusive, multi-level approach, preferably of a promotional and preventive nature, with an emphasis on individual learning, career, health and well-being management processes, but also on intervention at the level of communities and institutional settings, creating conditions to foster positive and safe contexts.


2 years







Ana Margarida Veiga Simão

The employability of FPUL graduates is high. According to the results of the ULisboa Graduate Employability Survey, in the 2017 edition (graduates in 2015), 87% of graduates were employed. Of these, 70% obtained employment in activity sectors related to the area of training. According to DGEEC, on 12/2018, only 8.7% of FPUL graduates were registered with the IEFP as unemployed. This rate is below the national average in Psychology (8.9%, according to INE).

Although there are no official data on employability by area of specialization, FPUL tracks the path of students completing the areas of specialization of the current MIP. According to this analysis, recent graduates in the field of Educational Psychology find work after completing their professional internship at OPP. We can infer that the employment pattern in this master’s will be similar to that of the current MIP holders.

Entry requirements

Hold a Bachelor in Psychological Sciences or Psychology.

Within the cycle of undergraduate studies, candidates must have successfully completed at least one course within the scope of Educational Psychology.


The selection of candidates will be made through curriculum appraisal, by a jury appointed by the President of the Scientific Council.

Portal FenixEdu

Applications are made online.

If you are or have been a student at the Faculty of Psychology you must submit your application here.

If you need to recover campus credentials do it here.

If you have never been a student of the Faculty of Psychology you must submit your application here.

Tuition fees

Fee – 1st year (indicative) 5000€
Fee – remaining years (indicative) 5000€

Diversity of training areas in four major Educational Psychology intervention domains: Psycho-educational
Assessment, Learning, Career, Health / Wellness.

Training that articulates in-depth understanding and skills development through various training methodologies, including active training of assessment and intervention skills in Educational Psychology.

Partnerships with institutions for curricular internships, as well as intervention and research projects.

Teaching based on the professors’ research areas of the CICPSI research center.

Integration into a large university, allowing students to take advantage of available resources.

Nationally and internationally recognized specialist doctoral faculty.

Diversity of scientific skills of the team of professors teaching in the course.

Teaching performance evaluation procedures. Improvements made by conducting student satisfaction surveys.

Accredited, for a period of 6 years, counting from July 31, 2020.

1st Year / 1st Semester
Curricular Courses Mandatory

Lifelong learning, innovation, and technology

Social-Emotional and Health Behaviour Learning

Psychological Assessment in Educational and Career

Child and Adolescent Psychological Assessment

Models and Interventions in Vocational Psychology

1st Year / 2nd Semester
Curricular Courses Mandatory

Counselling in Educational Contexts

Difficulties, Differences and Equity in Learning

Psycho-Educational Interventions in Learning

Promotion of Skills and Risk Prevention

Elective 1

Curricular Unit from ULisboa Faculties

2nd Year / 1st and 2nd Semester
Curricular Courses Mandatory

Internship in Educational Psychology and Counseling

Dissertation in Educational Psychology and Counseling

 All Masters