Margarida C. Santos

Invited Assistant Professor


Taught Modules


My experience in training health professionals, and the opportunity of working with children with chronic illness and their families, shaped my interest in pediatric psychology and in professional patient communication. Pediatric psychology and communication in healthcare have thus developed as my two preferential lines of research and intervention.

Pediatric chronic illness; Parenting and child development, Children and adolescent’s health behaviors; Communication in medical settings; Communication in Pediatrics; Health Professionals Training and Education

Attachment in very and extreme preterm infants: the impact of perinatal factors, infant coping, maternal sensitivity and infant development (PI: Marina Fuentes(PTDC/MHC-PED/1424/2014)

Member of the evaluation panel in the area of Psychology, of the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia’ 2015 Call for PhD and Post-Doctoral Scholarships.

Coordinator of the panel for the research projects submitted to the Centro de Investigação em Educação e Desenvolvimento da Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa

Santos, M. C. D., Pires, A. F., Soares, K., & Barros, L. (2018). Family experience with osteogenesis imperfecta type 1: the most distressing situations. Disability and rehabilitation40(19),

Grilo, A. M., & Santos, M. C. D. (2017). Engaging patient: let’s talk about how health providers can do it right. JOJ Nurse Health Care5(1),: 555655.

Grilo, AM.; Santos, M.; Gomes, A. & Rita, J. (2017). Promoting Patient-Centered Care in Chronic Disease (p.51-70). In O. Sayligil (ed.), Patient Centered Medicine. Croatia, InTech,. ISBN: 978-953-51-2992-9.  doi: 10.5772/63030

Fuertes. M & Santos M., (2015). Parenting and Attachment in Portuguese Families. In G.Nicolas, A.Bejarano, D.Lee (Eds). Contemporary Parenting: A Global Perspective.N.Y.: Routledge

Santos, M & Barros L., (2015). Intervenção com Pais Doença Crónica. Em Parentalidade Positiva- intervenção com pais. Lisboa: Coisa de Ler.