José Palma-Oliveira

Assistant Professor

School Board Member

Social Psychology
Environmental Psychology

Taught Modules
Human Behavior and Environment
Psychology of the Environment

Prof. Palma-Oliveira’s is interested in the interaction between human societies and the environment focused in risk perspectives and his approach to risk communication and risk environmental analysis is based in an attempt of constructing a shared knowledge base and grounded of this profound knowledge of the logic and the pay-off perceived by the different groups at the different decision levels.

Environmental psychology, social and local identity, risk analysis and perception, risk communication, community resilience, social dillemas.

ASAE (Food Safety) Scientific Council.

Invited Scholar of the University of Virginia

Palma-Oliveira, J., Trump, B., Wood, M., Linkov, I. (2018). Community-Driven Hypothesis Testing: A solution for the Tragedy of the Anticommons. Risk Analysis, Vol. 38, 620-645. DOI: 10.1111/risa.12860

Connelly, E., Allen, C., Hatfield, K., Palma-Oliveira, J., Woods, D.,  Linkov. I. (2017) Features of resilience. Environ Systems Decisions 37:46–50.DOI: 10.1007/s10669-017-9634-9

Bernardo, F. & Palma-Oliveira, J. (2016): Identification with the neighborhood: Discrimination and neighborhood size, Self and Identity. DOI: 10.1080/15298868.2016.1178665

Bernardo, F. & Palma-Oliveira, J. M. (2016) Urban neighbourhoods and intergroup relations: The importance of place identity. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 45 (2016), 239- 251. Doi: 10.1016/j.jenvp.2016.01.010

Augusto S, Pinho P, Santos A, Botelho MJ, Palma-Oliveira J, Branquinho C. (2016) Tracking the Spatial Fate of PCDD/F Emissions from a Cement Plant by Using Lichens as Environmental Biomonitors. Environ Sci Technol. 50(5):2434-41. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b04873.