Ana Nunes da Silva

Assistant Professor

Clinical psychology

Taught Modules
Clinical and Health Psychology
Communication in Psychological Consultation
Clinical Case Studies

My work has been divided into two major fields: research and clinical practice. The focus of my PhD was on alexithymia, where I tried to better understand alexithymic functioning in the therapeutic process and test an emotional processing model. I am also interested in alcohol related problems and how therapists develop, regarding training, supervision and self care. Presently, I am studying the differences in schematic functioning, emotional processing and psychological needs in different alcohol use disorders; predictors and consequences in both therapists and clients in dropouts from treatment; and psychotherapists’ self care.

Therapeutic process and mechanisms of change
Therapeutic Alliance
Emotional processing
Problems related to alcohol consumption

Member of the board of country coordinators of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.

Review Editor of the journal Frontiers in Clinical Psychology.

Member of the National Forum Alcohol and Health (FNAS, Fórum Nacional Álcool e Saúde)

Silva, A. N., Vasco. A. B. & Watson, J.C. (2018). Alexithymia and Emotional Processing: a longitudinal mixed methods research. Research in Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process and Outcome, 21(1), 40–54.

Silva, A. N., Vasco. A. B. & Watson, J.C. (2017). Alexithymia and emotional processing: a mediation model. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 73(9), 1196–1205.

Silva, A. N., Vasco. A. B. & Watson, J.C. (2013). Alexithymia and Emotional Processing as Phenomena Pertinent to all Theoretical Orientations. International Journal of Psychotherapy, 17(3), 5-19.

Silva, A. N. (2011). Terapia de Grupo focada nas emoções. Uma intervenção diferenciada com pacientes alcoólicos em recuperação. [Emotion focused therapy in group. A differentiated intervention with alcoholic patients in treatment] Revista Toxicodependências, 17(2), 43-51.

Silva, A. N. & Fé, E. M. (2009). Álcool na Estrada: Componente Consulta de Alcoologia do Programa STOP na Unidade de Alcoologia de Lisboa. [Alcohol on the road: Alcohol assessment and treatment of the STOP program] Revista Toxicodependências, 15(3), 31-38.

Raimundo, R., Marques Pinto, A., & Lima, L. (2013). The effects of a social-emotional learning program for elementary school children: The moderating role of pupils’ characteristics. Psychology in the Schools, 50(2), 165-180.