Ana Isabel Saraiva

Assistant Professor

Community Service Advisory Board Member

Psychological Anthropology

Taught Modules
Great Theories of Social Sciences
Cultural Anthropology
Intercultural Representations of Health, Illness and Cure

Anthropology and Psychology of the Body and Self
Symbolic Cures
Medical Anthropology
History of Ideas
Classical Mythology and Tragedy Studies

Sá-Saraiva, A. I. & Sá-Saraiva, R. (2012). How Myth Became Tragedy: a Contribution to the Study of 5th Century Athens’ Psychology. In T. Patelis (Ed), Research Studies, Literature Reviews and Perspectives in Psycho- logical Science, Athens Institute for Education and Research, Greece, pp 5-14

Sá-Saraiva, R, & Sá-Saraiva, A. I., (2012) On the Acheulean Origin of Mind and Language, Theoria et Historia Scientarium, pp.133-150

Sá-Saraiva, A.I. (2011) Da Grécia a Cronenberg ou por que existem as Mulheres, Estudos Feministas, no 2, vol. 19, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão (329-350)

Sá-Saraiva, A.I.(2008). Do Mito à Tragédia: reflexões em torno das Estéticas de Aristóteles e Lévi-Strauss. Teoria & Sociedade, 16.1, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (8-47).

Rodrigues, A. I., (1989). Electra – uma abordagem antropológica da tragédia ática, Revista de Antropologia Portuguesa, vol. 7, 15-29 (23-36).

Sá-Saraiva, R, & Sá-Saraiva, A. I., (submited) Mastering the Self, Ruling the realm: will and ethics as the grounding of royal power according to King Dom Duarte