Impact of body image related variables on the psychophysiological indicators of human sexual response: comparative study with a clinical and non-clinical sample

The project “Impact of body image related variables on the psychophysiological indicators of human sexual response: comparative study with a clinical and non-clinical sample” (Project no. 167/12) funded by BIAL.


The project focused on the role that body image dimensions have in human sexual response. With cross-sectional mixed methodology, we studied whether different dimensions of body image were associated with the sexual satisfaction and sexual functioning. We aimed to study whether these associations were mediated by cognitive distraction with body appearance.

Body image is a multidimensional concept that includes, among others, dimensions as body dissatisfaction, body self-esteem, body image beliefs about and attitudes towards body image. These dimensions have a significant impact on sexual health. However, most studies developed are characterized by the use of self-report instruments on the body esteem and attitudes and also by the use of self-report measures of sexual function and satisfaction. In this project we intended to overcome these limitations by introducing psychophysiological assessment of sexual response. This has allowed understanding whether different dimensions of the image body were associated with psychophysiological sexual response. In order to enrich the knowledge in the field of sexual health, the study included a sample of couples with and without sexual dysfunction. The primary aim of this study was to analyze the impact of different dimensions of body image on sexual response evaluated in its complexity – sexual response evaluated by self-report and psychophysiologically – in a clinical (n = 30) and non-clinical (n = 30) sample, evaluated individually and dyadically. The results had implications for the integration of psycho-educational components about body appearance and physiological sexual response in sex education and cognitive- behavioral sex therapy.


Principal Investigator

Maria João Alvarez

Maria João Alvarez

Research Team

Patrícia Pascoal

Ellen Laan
University of Amsterdam

Sandra Byers
University of New Brunswick, Canadá

Pedro Nobre

Cícero R. Pereira


The project “Impact of body image related variables on the psychophysiological indicators of human sexual response: comparative study with a clinical and non-clinical sample” (Project no. 167/12) funded by BIAL.



Pascoal, P., Alvarez, M.-J., Pereira, C. R., & Nobre, P. (2019). Beliefs About Sexual Function Scale. In R. R. Milhausen, J. K. Sakaluk, T. D. Fisher, C. M. Davis, & W. L. Yarber (Eds.) Handbook of sexuality-related measures (4th ed.) (pp.126-129). Routledge. ISBN: 978-1-13-874083-9

Pascoal, P. M., Byers, S. E., Alvarez, M.-J., Santos, P. I., Nobre, P., Pereira, C. R., & Laan, E. (2018). A dyadic approach to understanding the link between sexual functioning and sexual satisfaction in heterosexual couples. Journal of Sex Research, 55(9), 1155-1166.

Pascoal, P. M., Alvarez, M.-J., & Roberto, M. S. (2018). Validation and invariance across gender of the Beliefs About Appearance Scale (BAAS) in a community sample of heterosexual adults in a committed relationship. Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 40(2), 126-135. ISSN 2237-6089

Pascoal, P., Alvarez, M.-J., Pereira, C., & Nobre, P. (2017). Development and initial validation of the Beliefs About Sexual Functioning Scale: A gender invariant measure. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 14, 613-623. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2017.01.021

“Women’s sexual problems: The pivotal role of pleasure”

International scientific meetings

TITLE Implicit and explicit attitudes as predictors of condom use
AUTHOR Marina Pesca
SUPERVISION Maria João Alvarez

TITLE The mediating role of cognitive distraction in the association between sexual beliefs and sexual functioning
AUTHOR Elizabet Silva
SUPERVISION Pedro Nobre and Patrícia M. Pascoal